Posts by Nathan Pettijohn

  • What Is The Forge

    Late last night (Friday March 1, 2013), The Forge met its fundraising goal of 60,000 dollars right as the clock ran out on their campaign. You’ll remember from my past blog posts that the fundraiser was launched in conjunction with the 2012 Halloween party, which gave some much needed momentum to the campaign from the…

  • On Fixing Internet Comments

    INTERNET COMMENTS: Once everyone has a voice, what can you do to stop hearing all but the ones who agree with you? After all, not everyone has something constructive, informed or agreeable to say on all matters (such being the cause of most bullshitting), and things now are often put in writing that otherwise may…

  • Keep Denver Beard

    My brother and our sometimes graphic/motion designer, Aaron Pettijohn, just put out a new design called “Keep Denver Beard” on CafePress that’s pretty sweet, if you’re in need of some new threads; it is also soon to be available at the I Heart Denver store. Photo by IndyInk

  • Like Knows Like

    “Like Knows Like” Meaning? One might also apply the phrase in ethics without referring to other minds (divine or otherwise), to mean “being good enables or helps one to know the good”. The idea that virtue somehow illuminates moral truth suggests that more virtuous people have a greater ability to know moral truth. –       Wiki…

  • OTG Wins Award For iPad Deployment

    Corduroy client OTG Management has had a terrific year in 2012, capping it all off with a slew of more positive press about the company this month. According to the first ever Moodies Awards, OTG has definitively employed the best use of digital media in an airport concourse overall. The OTG Facebook page also received…

  • Creative Inspiration as a Public Service

      “Be Cool” is the latest in an ongoing series of public service announcements of creative inspiration by local LA artists and friends of Corduroy: Jimmy Marble and Adi Goodrich, now dubbed as creative duo “JIMMYnADI”. So far, the PSA’s have been well received, having premiered them each at the All Visual LA Slideshow (event…

  • Introduction to Crowdfunding

    Wendell Berry once wrote of “modern salesmanship and modern technology” that it was “yet another way to make people pay dearly for what they already have”. Crowdfunding seems to be an example of technology finally giving something to the little guy that he never had access to before in terms of venture capitol and investment….

  • Forge Halloween & Indiegogo

    The Forge LA photo studio and creative space was born in 2008 when Dan Busta and brothers Ryan and Collins Schude took over the building’s lease just north of downtown LA (near Chinatown, where the 5 meets the 110 freeway). The building has since gone on to see various build-outs and upgrades paid for out…

  • Lauren Randolph

    Lauren Randolph ( @laurenlemon ) is an all around awesome photographer from Reno, NV now living and shooting in Los Angeles, CA. She has done incredible work for ad campaigns large and small, and took the photo of me for my bio page. She’s also worked with us on some Instagram campaigns we’ll blog about…